Round 1: New York Knicks @ Philadelphia 76ers 7:30 pm 4/25/2024 [Game #3]


OG makes a big difference in this team!!
OG and Precious both makes a BIG difference for the Knicks .. Both should have been in the rotation, plus been in the same lineup having Mitch or Hartenstein as the center. Especially when we play against teams having Big men scoring stars like Embiid, Gianni's, Cavs, Heat, and Jokic

The Dragon

We fought till the end, even with the ridiculous 3 points from Philly..... How on earth Embiid didn't get Flagrant 2? I understand it is the playoffs, but he simply reinjured ON PURPOSE Mitch? what other than that you need? It is more clearer than Zaza fouling Kawahi and creating special rule for that play!!!???


Embiid embarrassed NBA last night. He committed arguably 5 flagrant fouls and should’ve been ejected for grabbing MRob’s surgically repaired ankle. Instead, he shoots more FTs than the entire NYK team. Series should be 3-0 but NBA and officials wouldn’t allow the rules of the sport to stand in their way…. If Embiid isn’t suspended for Game 4, knowing players like Ewing and Amara and D-Green were suspended fir various offenses. Patrick had the nerve to step off bench and have a toe cross the court line…. What a joke

Embiid with cheap shot to IH’s groin and it’s somehow initially ruled a foul on NY. lol


Embiid embarrassed NBA last night. He committed arguably 5 flagrant fouls and should’ve been ejected for grabbing MRob’s surgically repaired ankle. Instead, he shoots more FTs than the entire NYK team. Series should be 3-0 but NBA and officials wouldn’t allow the rules of the sport to stand in their way…. If Embiid isn’t suspended for Game 4, knowing players like Ewing and Amara and D-Green were suspended fir various offenses. Patrick had the nerve to step off bench and have a toe cross the court line…. What a joke

Embiid with cheap shot to IH’s groin and it’s somehow initially ruled a foul on NY. lol

Embiid committed 8 to 9 fouls in the first 3 quarters of Game 3 ..
Game 3 showed us why Ewing had PF Oakley, and SF Anthony Mason in his lineup throughout the postseason to get to Game 7 of the FINALS vs Houston Rockets Akeem Olayjwon.
Why isn't Precious replacing Randle in the starter lineup to give Hartenstein help in a series vs Embiid ???
The officials in Philly had on 76ers Jerseys under their Modell uniform!
When Mitch Rob went Home at half time to go check out the 2024 NFL draft, I did too
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